SunGreen web site - Cinderford, Mitcheldean, Drybrook, Ruardean and nearby areas.

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The opening of the Dilke Hospital, Cinderford in 1923.

Dilke Hospital

Opening of the Dilke Hospital

Jackie added: "... The photo labelled Dilke Hospital I have had for many years and was told by my Mum that she was told it was of the opening of the Dilke Hospital but I have no idea if this is true. My Mum's family lived quite near to the Dilke in Cinderford".

Graham Turner added "... Im sure mum was right, Lightmoor slag heaps in the background and the lie of the land is exactly right".

The Dike Hospital opened in 1923 - left is a report written prior to the opening taken from the Gloucester Journal of 23 June 1923.

Another newspaper article (Gloucester Citizen 02 May 1923) stated that the Dickens books were appropriate as "Sir Charles Dilke knew Charles Dickens and his father was a personal friend".

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