SunGreen web site - East Dean Grammar School.

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East Dean Grammar School, Cinderford 1946.

East Dean Grammar School 1946
Numbering starts at the first whole face

Row 7: 9 Mike Keating.
Row 6:
Row 5: 10 Maurice Kibble, Graham Morse,
Row 4: 15 David Bullock, 16 Jim Watkins
Row 3: 8 William Aveston (Latin)
Row 2: 6 Glyn Jones
Row 1:

Thanks also to A J Noble, :Glyn Jones, Jane Richards and Stephan Morris who added: "... My Grandfather lived at Druidstone (pronounced Drusen) Cinderford".

Photo by Panora Ltd, London WC1

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WANTED: Old photos, old postcards, ephemera and memories of the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. U.K.- please click the Link above to make contact.