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Miners Welfare Cricket Club 1935

Miners Welfare cricket team 1935

Miners Welfare Cricket Club, Season 1939, Winners - Forest Of Dean Knockout Competition (junior section)

Back row (left to right): W. Nelmes (suited), G. Wicks (suited), H. Gazzard (suited), C. Beard (Hon. Sec., player) , H. Fisher (suited), T. Bell (player), N. Ball (suited), R. Webb (Capt. player), J. Barnard (player), N. Lees (player), R. Kear (suited), R. Barnard (player), L. Beard (suited), G. Holloway (Chairman, suited).
Front row (left to right): K. Gazzard (player), D. Morgan (Hon. Treas. player), F. Edwards (Vice Capt. player), A. Webb (player).

Gloucester Citizen 20 July 1939: "... it was reported that the finalists in the senior section of the Forest knock-out competition ... in the junior section, Cinderford Miners' Welfare and Mr F. Imm's Works XI ..."

Thanks also to Robin Phelps.

Duncan Stone added (April 2018): "... Dear all. I'm researching a book on the history of recreational cricket in England and shall be including a section on the Miners' Welfare Fund and a few of the clubs established. Does anyone have a brief history of this club to hand? Best wishes Duncan Stone"

Miners welfare hall recreation article

A cricket match contested by the team is mentioned in the 19 May 1933 edition of the Gloucester Citizen.

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WANTED: Old photos, old postcards, ephemera and memories of the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. U.K.- please click here to make contact.