SunGreen web site - Can you help identify these people or places?

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George Murray.

George Murray

Ron wrote: "... On the back of the photo is written, Sapper George Murray, number 56213, Signal section RE, 2nd guards bte . B.E.F. France 25/11/15 My grandmother ( Eveline Lilah Jenkins) came from Coleford so I presume George was a friend from the area. I hope that some one will recognise George and perhaps find the print of interest".

Eric Nicholls found that: "George Murray was Scottish. His home was 42, Point Street, Stornoway. He was born in 1895, and in civilian life he was a Post Office Telegraphist, so well suited to his military job as a signaller in the Guards Division Signalling Company. He enlisted at Stornoway on 9.10.1914 and landed in France on 16.8.1915. He was discharged from the Army in February 1919 as a 'pivotal man', presumably someone whose skills were needed back in 'civy street', and placed on the Army Reserve on 26.3.1919. His mother's name was Joanna. She was named as next of kin in his service record so assume his father was probably deceased".
"Did Ron Andrews' grandmother perhaps have a brother in the Army who may have known George Murray?".

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WANTED: Old photos, old postcards, ephemera and memories of the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. U.K.- please click the Comments Link above to make contact.